"Pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary. They work hard and take commendable leadership of their learning, particularly in their extended projects." ISI Report 2017
In a school environment that values childhood, happiness and a joy of learning, we aim to prepare our children for a world that requires confidence, resilience and flexibility. The Paragon therefore offers a rich and stimulating curriculum which promotes learning behaviours detailed in 'The Paragon Wheel' : perseverance, reflection, curiosity, individuality, collaboration, communication, courage, resilience, initiative and independence.
By guiding their natural curiosity, we can ensure that across the curriculum our pupils learn to reason, to collaborate and to take on responsibility. They develop the confidence to take risks in their learning and to learn from a mistake rather than fearing it.
Our broad and lively curriculum demonstrates our commitment to nurturing the academic, creative and sporting talents of all our young people. Dedicated class teachers deliver much of our academic curriculum, ensuring that strong links are built and maintained across the different subject areas. Our classes are small and mixed ability, with class activities carefully differentiated to ensure that each child is challenged and supported appropriately. Setting occurs where it will benefit the pupils' learning. We have specialists in Art, ICT, Music, Modern Foreign Languages, Drama, Philosophy and Sport that teach across the school.
Paragon pupils quickly understand that learning can never be confined to the classroom. We take full advantage of the wider opportunities our campus has to offer: we are surrounded by the history of our beautiful building; the woodland and outdoor spaces extend our learning environment beyond the four walls. We are fortunate to have access to the specialist staff and facilities of our senior school, Prior Park College, for sport, science MFL and drama. The curriculum is enriched by a wide variety of trips and activities and our extensive extra-curricular programme offers opportunity and choice for all.
Every child can shine at The Paragon - whether they’re amazing at maths, have an eye for design, or are great on the samba drum!
Visit our Curriculum page for subject details.