
The Paragon school fees & extras charges for the academic year 2024/25, effective from 1st September 2024

Year Group Fees                  
Juniors (Prep)  
Years 5-6 - Including lunches and the cost of personal learning devices £4, 634 per term/ £13,902 per annum
Years 3-4 - Including lunches

£4, 520 per term/ £13,560 per annum

Years Reception, 1 & 2 
Full Time - Including lunches
£4, 064 per term/ £12,192 per annum

Squirrels Pre-School
Full Time - Including lunches

Part Time (cost per day 8.15am - 3.25pm) - Including lunches

Per morning (8.15am until 1pm) - Including lunches

£3, 760 per term/ £11,280 per annum

£800 per Term

£600 per Term


Registration Fee (non-refundable) £125
Deposit £300

Learning Support
(per 60 minute session)

In-class additional adult support: 


£16.27 p/h 

Instrumental Music Lessons
(per half hour)
Hire of Instrument for One Term
(including weekends & holidays)


  • The fees include lunch, and the cost of PLDs (personal learning devices) for Years 5 and 6.
  • We encourage all Pre-School Pupils to attend for a minimum of one and a half days per week.
  • A full term's notice is required before the removal of a pupil. In default of so doing, one term's fees in lieu of such notice will be charged.
  • Every effort is made to keep ‘extras’ to a minimum but it is likely that you will be billed for extra activities such as educational trips and activities. Your permission will be sought for your child to attend an activity that will generate an ‘extras’ charge over £20.

Payment of fees

Fees are due and payable on or before the first day of each term. Late payments increase the school's costs and affect fee levels for all parents. Therefore we reserve the right to charge interest on outstanding balances. If interest is applied it will be added at a rate of 2% per month from the second day of term.
There are three ways to pay your fees and extras:

  • By bank transfer to the account of 'Prior Park Educational Trust', account number: 70073296, sort code: 20-47-06 (Barclays Bank PLC, Bank). Please ensure that the pupil's name and account number are quoted on the transfer details. 
  • Payments can also be made via School Fee Plan - who offer a monthly payment facility. Further details can be found at the following link: https://www.myschoolfeeplan.com/prior-BA2
  • We offer a fees in advance scheme which is open to all parents. Further details can be provided by Finance on request. 

Please contact the Finance Team at Prior Park College if you should have any questions, email: finance@priorparkschools.com

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