Wraparound Care
"Absolutely brilliant! My children love it. Jason and his team are supersonic! Only problem is my children don't want to leave SuperPirates at the end of the day."a happy mum
Before School:
Wraparound childcare is provided from 7.45 - 8.45am each school morning in the Library and is run by Paragon staff. A standard charge of £2 applies for each use and this will be added directly to the school bill. There is no need to pre-book.
After-school care is provided by SuperPirates, the locally renowned children's events and entertainment company. The SuperPirates after-school club runs from dismissal time until 6pm from Monday to Thursday, and is located in the school hall. Healthy snacks are provided.
If you would like your child to attend, first register with SuperPirates. Once registered, you can complete a booking form to select your days. You can add extra days at any time, but to guarantee a place you should book with notice. Prices are £6.30 for one hour, £9.30 for two hours and £11.30 for three hours.
To start the process please go to their website: www.superpirates.co.uk/paragon If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with the SuperPirates team (paragon@superpirates.co.uk).
Clubs and After-School Activities:
The Paragon runs over 65 clubs throughout the year to enhance your child's learning experience outside the classroom. From Chess Club to Philosophy Club, Art Club to Samba Band, Choir to Cricket, we can guarantee that you will find exciting new opportunities for your child whatever their age. For the full list of termly activities which take place before and after school as well as during breaks and lunchtimes, visit the Parent Portal.