"Pupils, staff and parents at The Paragon School continued their amazing support in 2022 and overall raised over £7,900 for FoodCycle Bath."
At The Paragon, we want the children to be outward looking and globally aware - to feel as though they are part of their local community and engaged in the wider world. Our pupils enjoy fundraising for charities at home and overseas. The experience brings them into contact with people and ideas outside their day-to-day school routine and they enjoy the continuing relationship they are able to build with individual charities.
Our chosen charity for 2023 is the Genesis Trust, a charity which supports hungry, disadvantaged and vulnerable people in Bath and surrounding areas. Their projects provide basic essentials such as food, clothing and furniture as well as mentoring, one to one support, training and work experience to support people on their journey towards independence.
We will also be holding our very first charity day - Queen Elizabeth Day on 13th June 2023, where the whole school will offer their service to a local charity. Watch this space, it promises to be a very special event for The Paragon.