More Room To Be Me

Welcome to our fundraising and information page for The Paragon School Development Project, Phase II

In 2024 we celebrated the 40th Year of The Paragon School at our present site in Lyncombe Vale.  A beautiful Georgian home steeped in history (find out more here), the grounds have been developed over the years to accommodate the busy, thriving community that exists today, offering a Pre-Prep and Prep education for children aged 3-11 years. 

To future-proof and open up the education that we offer to our own pupils and the local community in a safe and inspiring environment, Nugent Vallis Brierly architects were commissioned in 2021 to create an exciting proposal for the school which would provide: 

  • Safe and accessible outdoor learning areas, offering an increased opportunity for use of facilities by local community and improved access to play areas for weekend and holiday use (Phase 1)
  • Improved parking facilities to ensure safe drop off and collection of children (Phase 1)
  • Inclusive access to buildings as well as inclusive play areas and better ramped access around the site
  • The creation of the four new classrooms to  improve the learning environment for the children and teachers
  • Improved and further changing and hygiene facilities and/or specialist teaching areas
  • Modern, effective facilities for evening and weekend use by local groups e.g. Brownies/Cubs

We are delighted that Phase 1 has was completed over the course of the summer 2024, and our school community is currently enjoying a brand new outdoor classroom and site wide accessible access to the 8 acres of woodland grounds that we offer as an integral element of a Paragon education.  Thank you to our PTA who contributed £8,800 to this project which was match funded by our Trustees. 


Phase Two will see the construction of a new extension which will sit adjacent to the current school art studio and Pre-Prep, an extended play area with ramp and steps, and planting enhancements to the woodland and forest school area, fondly known as the Dingly Dell and the fundraising starts here!

With a target of XXX to be raised by XXX, we are excited to announce a fundraising schedule for 2024/2025 involving our whole school community, which we hope will help to realise these ambitious new plans. 

This year, our PTA, as well as fundraising for our QE Day Charity Partners, will be pulling out all the stops to raise a target of £14,000 from school events which will be match funded by Trustees.

A visual thermometer will help pupils and parents see how are doing throughout the school year.   Your help would also be hugely appreciated and if you can donate, then the following opportunities have been made available. For transformational donations, please contact our Director of Development, Declan Rainey (